North Fork Boquet River to Round Pond
Over the course of several days, Bib and I had discussed a hiking route that would include several new mountains to add to his 46er list. The Dix Range featured four peaks he had never visited so it became our objective.
The "trade route" typically begins and ends at Elk Lake and involves a counter-clockwise, or clockwise, circuit of the Dix Range. Seeking something different, I suggested approaching the Dix Range from the east, namely where highway 73 crosses the North Fork Boquet River, which lies 650' lower than the Elk Lake trail-head.
The Plan's Design
- Start from highway 73 at the North Fork Boquet bridge.
- Head to Grace (East Dix) via the herd-path.
- Continue over Carson (South Dix).
- Out-and-back to Macomb.
- Over Hough.
- Out-and-back to Dix.
- Bushwhack from Hough/Dix col to South Fork Bouquet.
- Return to North Fork Boquet bridge.
The only unknown in the plan was the bushwhack descent from the Hough/Dix col so I consulted three knowledgeable bushwhackers. Although none had followed the planned route, at least two had been in its vicinity and confirmed the woods were not difficult. In the end, flexibility was key and our plan was altered to suit our mood: we ascended Grace via the Great Slide and continued over Dix to exit at the Round Pond trail-head. Admittedly, the 1.7 mile road-walk, in the dark along highway 73, wasn't the highlight of the trip.
The Plan's Execution
- Start from highway 73 at the North Fork Boquet bridge.
- Head to Grace (East Dix) via the Great Slide.
- Continue over Carson (South Dix).
- Out-and-back to Macomb.
- Over Hough.
- Over Dix to Round Pond trail-head.
- Walk/run back to car after dark.
Bib and I started along the North Fork Boquet at 8:15 AM. We followed the excellent herd-path that winds its way westward initially along the North Fork and then the South Fork. We passed a few hikers heading out, notably a father and his two children, and met a large troop of boys at the undesignated camp-site located between the South Fork and a tributary ("two brooks").
Prior to the "two brooks" camp-site, the herd-path tends follow high above the course of the North and South Forks and retains a smooth trail-bed. Beyond "two brooks", the path hugs the South Fork and, as a result, becomes rocky and eroded. We crossed the "two brooks" camp-site to a cairn, passed a superb dipping-pool, and continued along, and through, the South Fork Boquet. When we arrived at the intersection of three brooks ("four corners"), I knew we very close to the Great Slide.
Eventually the herd path swung left and we began our ascent to East Dix (Grace). The path follows the eastern side of the brook (draining the slide) and we stopped for water at the point where the path crosses the brook. I drank my fill and then, knowing there'd be no other reliable sources, took on 3.5 liters of water.
On a previous occasion this was the point where Neil and I began our ascent of the slide. Today we continued along the herd-path which follows the course of the lower, slippery, and overgrown portion of the Great Slide. The path began to diverge from the slide at a point where the slide emerges from the woods and offers clean, open rock. We ventured out onto the slide and were rewarded with spectacular views.
Bib inquired if the balance of the slide's surface was of similar grade and quality. I confirmed it was except for a bit of scrambling through a band of cripplebrush and a cliff that is easily bypassed. Bib's initial reluctance to explore the slide disappeared and we abandoned the herd-path for the openness of the Great Slide.
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The scenic route to Grace (East Dix). |
Once past the band of cripplebrush, we reached steep rock. I suggested he continue towards the right whereas I would head left. His route would eventually follow along the edge of the cripplebrush and provided a worry-free path to the summit. I wanted to hone my scrambling skills and proceeded up a ramp leading to a chest-high wall. Surmounting the wall required a little more finesse than I had anticipated and definitely gave me my "money's worth". Eventually I arrived at the "rock chute" I had climbed on a previous trip and eagerly clambered up to the summit.
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Ascending the "chute". |
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A priceless moment. |
We passed a few more hikers along the way to South Dix (Carson) including a young couple bearing a "red flag" in the form of, what appeared to be, a red shirt attached to a pole high above his pack. Upon reaching Carson's eastern lookout, we skirted an ocean of young boys beached on its shore. After a brief pause to photograph Bib on his 16th High Peak, we were on our way to Macomb.
For some reason I had forgotten the junction to Hough lies near Carson's summit. Our out-and-back to Macomb would require re-ascending Carson but, fortunately, it's only 200 feet. I didn't need poles and a hydration bladder to get to Macomb so I concealed them behind a rock.
The 500' ascent to Macomb taught me something about perspective. I've never ascended Macomb from the west and the route seemed more eroded than when I've descended it in the past. I guess one's perception of a trail can change depending upon whether one experiences it as an ascent or as a descent.
We passed a cheerful group descending Macomb. Bib greeted one its members with a "Have a great day!" and he replied "How could you not have a great day out here! Especially if you enjoy subjecting yourself to a beating!"
We reached Macomb's shortly after 1:00 PM and paused for a break. I hadn't eaten anything but Skittles and a Clif bar so it was time to break out the 'dog kibble'. The summit was all ours and perhaps it was due to our departure from highway 73 ensuring our schedule would not coincide with folks starting from Elk Lake.
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Elk Lake from Macomb. |
We stopped for another snack and to enjoy the great view of Elk Lake, Pinnacle Ridge, and beyond. Just as we were preparing to leave, the "red flag" couple joined us. We learned it was only the young woman's third hike ever! We congratulated her and, with a smile, I added that Dix was a mere hour away. She laughed and said it was scheduled for another day.
I was looking forward to the next stretch of our route. In my opinion, the herd-path from the Hough/Dix col to the Beckhorn is one of the most scenic of the "trail-less" routes. It follows a rising arc to the Beckhorn among dense woods punctuated by rocky lookouts with spectacular views to the southwest.
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The grand arc to the Beckhorn. |
The ascent to the Beckhorn was as good as I remembered it from a previous hike in 2011. The path follows the narrow wooded ridge and emerges at rocky ledges where one can pause to admire the incredible view. Shortly before the Beckhorn, we arrived at a "rock trough" that I have dubbed the "Route of Six" owing to nearby lichen growth in the shape of a six!
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The "Route of Six". |
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Well-deserved rest. |
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Evidence of an avian landing? |
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Bib emerges from the steepest descent in the High Peaks. |
Anticipation can cloud one's perception of time and distance. It's only 1.9 miles from the lean-to to the Noonmark junction, shorter than the Loj to Marcy Dam, yet it seemed a good deal longer. Perhaps its because the scenery, lovely as it may be, doesn't change very much. Combined with a desire to return to one's car, the route begins to "drag" a little. Glen (mastergrasshopper) told me he runs this route and I now wonder if it is for the exercise or just to make it go by faster! Fifty minutes after leaving the lean-to we arrived at the Noonmark junction, crossed a tributary of the North Fork, then pressed on to Round Pond.
Once we passed the height-of-land, I stopped at a small brook to take on water while Bib continued down the trail. Shortly after passing the lean-to, I had finished the 3.5 liters I had collected, near the base of East Dix, earlier in the day. I was now thirsty and the cold clear water never tasted sweeter. I increased my pace and caught up with Bib a few minutes later.
As we approached the shores of Round Pond, the voices of campers could be heard clear across the pond. I paused on Round Pond's eastern shore for one last look. The sun had already set behind the mountains and the sky was cloud-free. The campers would enjoy a beautiful starry night. We turned to ascend the last rise of the hike and began the sort descent to the trail-head.
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Bib emerges as dusk begins. |
When I caught up to Bib I offered to run the balance of the road and return with the car. He took my pack and I ran down the road. This time I held my headlamp so the beam would pendulum along the ground and make me even more visible to passing cars. Now using a different set of muscles, running felt good if not a litle odd being in the dark on the side of a fairly busy highway! It was a Friday night, plus the weekend of the Lake Placid Ironman competition, so there was a constant stream of northbound traffic.
I was convinced the distance to the car was 2.5 miles and only later discovered it was only 1.7 miles. Had I known the true distance at the time I would have been less surprised when I caught sight of the car and wondered why it hadn't taken me longer! I knew I wasn't running fast so I already had a sneaky suspicion the distance was less then imagined. I spread my towel on the car seat, plopped my sweaty self onto the comfy car seat, and zipped up the road to collect Bib.
Bib didn't have his headlamp on and it's disturbing to learn how close you can get to a pedestrian before he finally becomes visible. There was no good place to stop so I overshot my target, slowed to a stop along the shoulder, and enabled the hazard lights. I looked back and Bib was already running towards the car along with Friday night's traffic making a broad detour around me. Moments later he hopped in and we sped off in search of a roadside pull-out. We stopped at the first one and, with that, the sketchiest portion of the hike was over. We stepped out, changed into clean clothes and sped off in search of dinner.
Sadly it was now too late for a sit-down meal (restaurants close early in Keene Valley) so it was off to Stewart's for chocolate milk. We also made use of their pay-phone to call our wives since our Canadian cellphones work exclusively with AT&T and there's no coverage in Keene Valley!
It was a great route with a wonderful hiking partner and I look forward to accompanying him in the future in his quest to become an Adirondack 46er.
See all photos.Milestones
Start 8:15 AMTop of Great Slide 11:40 AM
Grace 11:49 AM
Macomb 1:08 PM
Carson 1:50 PM
Hough 2:37 PM
Leave Hough/Dix col 3:35 PM
Dix 4:30 PM
Leave Dix 5:08 PM
Hunter's Pass Junction 5:26 PM
Slide 5:58 PM
Lean-to 6:41 PM
Noonmark Junction 7:30 PM
Trail-head 8:24 PM
Car 8:55 PM