Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Allen 2014-06-17

The recent rains had me concerned about exceedingly wet and muddy trails plus a challenging crossing of the Opalescent. In fact, the trails were no worse than normal (for this route) and the Opalescent river-crossing was a non-event.

It was my first time using the rerouted trail around Lake Jimmy and it's a pretty route through firs, cedars, and the lake's outlet. Maybe one or two more planks are needed to span new sections of mud but overall it's a solid path compared to the old "floating bridge".

The normally wet section along Lake Sally had standing water. A few other areas, notably well past the sand pit, featured broad mud-wallows. Most of them can be crossed on exposed rock and timber.

The herd-path along Allen brook was wet and muddy (no surprise). There was plenty of water coursing down the slope as well as the slide section.

Neil and I wore trail-runners and, combined with careful foot-placement, they proved their "grip" on the slippery rocks along Allen brook. I did my best to avoid the exceedingly slick "red slime".

I found a pair of soaking-wet, Smartwool long underwear sprawled on Allen's slide. If anyone wishes to claim them they are resting precisely where I found them, undisturbed.

Deer flies pestered me from Lake Jimmy to Allen brook and back. A wide-brimmed hat kept seemed effective at discouraging them from landing on my face, ears, and neck but little to keep them from being a constant buzzing nuisance. 

West of Mount Adam's observer cabin, I spotted a hare on the trail, standing on its hind legs and calmly munching grass. Naturally, it ducked into the underbrush the moment my hand touched my camera case.

A grouse dashed noisily across the trail, just a few feet ahead of us, and proceeded to run through the woods alongside the trail fluttering its wings. I don't know if it was attempting to lure us away from its nest but I do know it elevated my heart-rate.

Allen was my last peak to complete a Spring round of the ADK 46. We completed the hike in just under 9 hours.

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