Sunday, April 5, 2015
A clockwise loop of Big Slide.
- My eighth hike to Big Slide.
- The 277th peak of 552 for the ADK Grid. One peak past the halfway point but the end still seems a lifetime away.
- Duncan and Marissa accompanied me for the first three miles along Johns Brook.
- Previous day's snowfall refreshed the trails and scenery.
- Snowshoes were indispensable for the Slide Mtn. trail especially above 3000'.
- Snow-bridges were intact but only solid where others have crossed repeatedly.
- I spent 45 minutes lounging on the summit. Hurray for warm weather.
- No sign of Big Slide's pine marten.
- Descent via the Brothers was fast and fun (1h 15m). Only one "unplanned glissade".
- Rocks and frozen ground are beginning to appear in sunny and low-lying areas.
- 4h 45m for the 9.6 mile loop.
- Settled into the back seat of the car for a snooze while waiting for the return of Duncan and Marissa from Upper Wolfjaw.
Slide Mtn. trail. |
Lovely day for views. |
Hikers on First Brother. |
See all photos.
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